RA MFA: Initialed RA-Turkish Protocols contain no preconditions

PanARMENIAN.Net - "Initialed RA-Turkish Protocols contain no preconditions and they do not hamper international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, nor are they linked to NKR conflict settlement issue, RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said at parliamentary hearings on "Initialed Protocols and RA-Turkish rapprochement".

According to him, concerns over Armenian Genocide issue becoming restricted to two sides only and lose pan-Armenian and universal importance upon establishment of relations with Turkey are unfounded. "Initialed documents do not suggest Armenian nation will be deprived of a right to restore historical justice," RA FM said.

Edward Nalbandian once again emphasized that the documents contained no preconditions, and are not linked to NKR issue, which was repeatedly confirmed by RA President and US Secretary State Hillary Clinton. "Ever since gaining independence Armenia was ready to normalize ties with Turkey without setting preconditions. Today we're fulfilling our intentions," Nalbandian said.
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