Russia interested in RA-Turkey dialogue establishment

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia and Turkey are currently assessing advantages and disadvantages of bilateral ties' normalization process, Natalia Ulchenko , Professor of economics, Head of Turkish research department at Oriental Studies Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences said at Yerevan-Ankara-Moscow TV bridge on "New Geopolitical situation in the East: Armenian-Turkish rapprochement, problems and realities". "It's obvious that Ankara, too, will benefit from rapprochement and border opening, which will promote development of Eastern Anatolia Region," she noted.

According to Natalia Ulchenko, Turkey's eastern region is the least developed, so the rapprochement will open new perspectives at the expense of the Armenian market.

"Turkey has repeatedly demonstrated its sound approach in disputable situations. Normalization process can lead to positive developments should Turkey support Yerevan with its positive attitude,' the Turkologist noted.

According to her, Russia is interested in RA-Turkey dialogue establishment, as one leading both to economic development and stabilization of situation in South Caucasus.
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