Azerbaijani media urge to hack

PanARMENIAN.Net - ( web-site, launched by Xenophobia Prevention Initiative provoked a reaction both within Azerbaijan, and in diplomatic circles, Samvel Martirosyan , expert in information security of the web site told a news conference today.

An event dedicated to the dead in Khojalu was scheduled on February 26 in the Czech town of Lidice. The Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic, who was expected to attend the meeting after the intervention of Armenian diplomats refused from participation. In turn, the Mayor of Lidice said he would not tolerate anti-Armenian statements at the party.

According to Board member of Xenophobia Prevention Initiative Armine Adibekyan, Azerbaijan was planning a large scale anti-Armenian campaign abroad. "But their actions have not received a response anticipated by Azerbaijani propaganda," she said.

According to experts, revealed falsifications and forgery of events in Khojalu made Azeris nervous. " news site published an article, calling on hackers to hack the site. Site hacking, in Azerbaijan, as throughout the world is a criminal offense, and Azerbaijani mass media encourage the public to commit a criminal offense, Samvel Martirosyan said.

Over 10 000 people have visited ( within the past two days, mostly from Europe, Russia and Azerbaijan. Launched on February 24 by Xenophobia Prevention Initiative, displays evidence of falsifications and forgeries of Azerbaijani propaganda in the information war against Armenia.

Experts of Xenophobia Prevention Initiative have revealed and displayed about 20 photographs of victims of Kurdish riots in Turkey, slaughter in Srebrenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and others, that represented by Azerbaijan as died during the Agdam events of February 26, 1992, when the Khojaly villagers perished.

Russian, English, Azerbaijani and German versions of are available, and French and Iranian versions will be also launched in future. According to Xenophobia Prevention Initiative experts, ( prevented numerous hacker attacks over the past two days.

Center for Public Relations and Information at the RA Presidents Office and the forum contributed to the project.

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