Armenia has to produce own technologies, experts believe

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia has to refuse from outsourcing and produce own technologies instead, IT experts believe.

“IT-education and creation of new technological companies are declared as high priority with the Union of IT Enterprises,” UITE director Karen Vardanyan said at Armenian IT industry leaders’ forum.

“Working with foreign customers has become disadvantageous,” Microsoft Armenia director Grigor Barseghyan said. “Technological implementation takes up only 20% of product cost, while idea generation, technology development and marketing pay at 80%.”

“Armenia is engaged in technical implementation only, yet the situation could change should RA government agree to invest in IT sphere. Armenia has over 6000 professional software developers; the government could gain significantly, creating new jobs to receive more accessible production.”

Armenian IT industry leaders’ forum, initiated by the Union of IT Enterprises (UITE) was held February 26-28 in Aghveran. The meeting focused on the use of IT technologies in finance, transportation, healthcare and tourism.

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