Armenian-American Community United In Support of U.S. Affirmation of the Armenian Genocide

PanARMENIAN.Net - With a critical vote pending on the Armenian Genocide Resolution tomorrow in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Armenian-American community rallied support for this important human rights measure reported the Armenian Assembly of America.

In response to the Assembly's initiative, the letter signed by a broad spectrum of religious, civic, humanitarian and advocacy groups said, in part: "The adoption of H.Res. 252, scheduled for mark-up by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on March 4th under the leadership of Committee Chairman and original cosponsor, Representative Howard Berman, will not only continue America's commitment to the people of Armenia, but will also send a strong message that genocide and ethnic cleansing must not go unchecked."

The legislation also reinforces President Barack Obama's stated commitment that "America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides."

"While the denialist forces are hard at work seeking to derail affirmation of the Armenian Genocide in Congress and stifle the teaching of the Genocide in our classrooms, the truth of history is on our side as is the strong support of the community from coast to coast," stated Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "We thank everyone for joining in this pan-Armenian effort," added Ardouny.

The Armenian Genocide resolution

The resolution affirming the U.S. record on the Armenian Genocide (H.Res.252) was formally introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Reps. Adam Schiff (D.-CA), George Radanovich (R.-CA), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D.-NJ), and Mark Kirk (R.-Ill). On March 4, 2010 it was adopted with a 22-21 vote by the House Committee on Foreign Relations. A similar resolution was introduced in the Senate.

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