Yerevan to host presentation of Polaris guide on Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - 10-day events aimed to facilitate tourism in the country, provide networking opportunities and exchange experience in tourism industry will kick off in Armenia on May 13, the press service of the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia reported.

The 4th Armenian Tourism Competitiveness Conference, CTS2010International Annual Tourism Fair, as well as presentation of Italian Polaris guide on Armenia will be organized in the framework of the initiative. Besides, the events will include thematic seminars and courses for local and regional tour operators, as well as discussions with participation of Armenian parliament members and representatives of relevant ministries.

The events will bring together representatives of tourism industry, educational establishments, hotels and restaurants, as well as experts and journalists from Armenia, Georgia, Turkey and other countries. The events are organized by the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia, the USAID-funded Competitive Armenian Private Sector (CAPS) Project in partnership with the RA Ministry of Economy.

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