Armenian banks’ credit investments totaled AMD 768.3bln as of May 2010

Armenian banks’ credit investments totaled AMD 768.3bln as of May 2010

PanARMENIAN.Net - The total amount of credit investments of Armenia’s banks made AMD 768.3bln as of May 2010 that is 1.5% lower as compared with March. AMD 746.9bln was provided to the country’s residents, while 21.3bln – to non-residents, according to the monthly bulletin of the Central Bank of Armenia.

AMD loans totaled 48%, while foreign currency loans amounted to 52%.

Meanwhile, major part of the provided loans were in the field of trade – AMD 158.6bln, which are followed by consumer loans – AMD 144.3bln, industry - AMD 136.6bln, mortgage loans – AMD 83.8bln and construction – AMD 59.6bln. It is noteworthy that the amount of agricultural loans totaled AMD 47.8bln by the end of April, while the service field – AMD 35bln and transport and communication field – AMD 20.1bln.

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