Marios Garoyian invites Hovik Abrahamyan to visit Cyprus

PanARMENIAN.Net - Chairman of the RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan met with President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Marios Garoyian on the sidelines of the 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament.

Mr. Abrahamyan noted that the friendly relations established between Armenia and Cyprus serve as a guarantee for further development of the bilateral relations. The Armenian Speaker hailed the active inter-parliamentary cooperation, stressing that the relevant friendship groups of the two countries’ parliaments can contribute to boosting cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational and scientific fields.

Besides, Abrahamyan offered to organize business forums to develop economic ties.

For his part, Marios Garoyian confirmed his invitation addressed to the Armenian Speaker to pay an official visit to Cyprus.

Besides, the two men discussed cooperation within international organizations, as well as the Karabakh conflict settlement. Marios Garoyian noted that Armenia can rely on support of Cyprus in international organizations.

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