SCPEC initiates administrative proceedings against 8 enterprises

SCPEC initiates administrative proceedings against 8 enterprises

PanARMENIAN.Net - As a result of inspections carried out by the RA State Committee for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC), the Committee revealed facts of possible unfair competition and violation of the RA Law on Protection of Economic Competition in shops of Yerevan and Armenia's regions.

Specifically, cases of usage of trademarks and brands of world known companies (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Opel and ZILLI) on napkins were revealed. Besides, labels of eggs produced by Arax Poultry Farm CJSC contained SOUTH AFRICA 2010 brand belonging to FIFA.

In addition, possible violation of the Law on Protection of Economic Competition served as a ground for suspecting Ideal chain of shops, which uses doubtful materials and methods for their presentation as part of the intranet advertisement action.

The Committee also revealed cases of sale of ice-cream by ARMSWEET and Yerevan Kat companies without mentioning production time and expiration date.

Several shops of Vagharshapat were selling soft drinks, while their composition, storage condition, production time and expiration date were not mentioned on bottles.

During the July 23 extraordinary sitting, SCPEC decided to initiate administrative proceedings against eight enterprises.

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