Increased number of drownings observed this year in Armenia

Increased number of drownings observed this year in Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Special Water Rescue Services at RA Extraordinary Situations Ministry reported 15 drownings in 2010, with 6 people drowned in the lake of Sevan; 9-in the water reservoirs of different Armenian regions.

As the head of Special Water Rescue Brigade told a news conference in Yerevan, 16 (including 4 children under 13) were saved from drowning by brigade members this year.

“In 2009, only 9 cases of drownings were reported. This summer’s fierce heat is the reason behind the increased drownings. Swimming when drunk or in the evenings after lifeguards day’s work is done has also contributed to growth in lethal cases.”

As he stated, starting July 10 security measures were strengthened, with lifeguards work hours extended till 11 p.m. No lethal cases were observed since.

In conclusion, Samvel Mkrtchyan urged to swim in one of 19 lifeguard-controlled territories. In case of necessity lifeguards can be summoned at 1-01.

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