Karen Bekaryan: Stepanakert should launch process of international recognition of NKR

Karen Bekaryan: Stepanakert should launch process of international recognition of NKR

PanARMENIAN.Net - Chairman of European Integration NGO Karen Bekaryan said that the Hague court’s ruling on lawfulness of Kosovo’s secession from Serbia serves as a good reason for the Foreign Ministry of Artsakh to initiate a certain process on NKR’s international recognition.

“The fact that Karabakh is not directly involved in the talks provides Stepanakert with the opportunity to be less constrained in similar initiatives,” the expert told a press conference in Yerevan.

Bekaryan added that the civil sector of NKR also should be involved in the process of international recognition of NKR’s independence.

As for Armenia’s steps in this process, according to Bekaryan, it should stir up the parliamentary diplomacy. “Through international organizations and parliamentary friendship groups Armenia may initiate steps for recognition of NKR’s independence by parliaments of friendly countries. In its turn, the Armenian Diaspora should assist Armenia and NKR in this process,” noted Bekaryan.

The expert said that the Hague court’s ruling will definitely have an impact on the negotiation process on Karabakh.

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