Threat of loss of crops from hail is now prevented in 7 villages of Armavir region

PanARMENIAN.Net - 6 units of Zenith anti-hail systems were installed and tested in Karakert, Vanand and Tsakhalanj villages of Armavir region this year through AMD 44mln financial assistance of VivaCell-MTS, a subsidiary of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC.

VivaCell-MTS has been implementing this project since 2008. In two years, 9 remote control Zenith anti-hail stations were installed in Shenik, Aygeshat, Berkashat and Shenavan villages of Armavir marz. The stations have proved to be 100% efficient. Besides support in installing anti-hail stations, VivaCell-MTS also provides access to its major competitive advantage – wider 3G and GPRS/EDGE coverage – to be used for agricultural purposes. The installed equipment is operated by remote control order based on VivaCell-MTS network.

“Agriculture is the most vulnerable sphere of economy, where the output of hard work and considerable investment – crops - can be swept away mercilessly by nature just in several minutes. We should acknowledge that each of us is affected by this problem as this is a huge loss caused to the national economy. The diverse programs carried out by VivaCell-MTS stem from this approach. And ultimately, all what we are doing is aimed at creating conditions for better quality of life in our Homeland,” commented VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

Zenith anti-hail stations have been fully developed and produced by Barva Innovative Center that uses local intellectual and production resources, the press service of VivaCell-MTS reported.

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