15 organizations of Armenia awarded prizes for PR activities

PanARMENIAN.Net - On July 28, Yerevan hosted an awarding ceremony of organizations for the best PR activities in various fields.

The ceremony dedicated to celebration of the Day of PR and PR specialists in Armenia was organized by the Armenian Center for PR Development. 15 public, humanitarian and commercial organizations, as well as individuals were awarded prizes in various nominations.

Specifically, VivaCell-MTS company was awarded for the Best Ecological Project, Miasin Union – for the Best Action-Surprise. Armenian archaeologists, who have discovered the oldest shoe in Areni-1 cave, were awarded a prize for Unintentional PR.

“The awarding ceremony is an opportunity to express gratitude to all those people, who have contributed to Armenia,” Chairman of the Armenian Center for PR Development Hayk Kirakosyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Referring to plans of the Center, Kirakosyan said that they aim to unite various companies dealing with PR activities in Armenia. He added that the Center will organize events, forums and seminars to this end.

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