Bako Sahakyan: Day of the Artsakh Republic is of pan-Armenian significance

Bako Sahakyan: Day of the Artsakh Republic is of pan-Armenian significance

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Day of the Artsakh Republic is of pan-Armenian significance, Artsakh President stated.

“This day has opened a new page in our modern history. Withstanding numerous hardships together with Mother Armenia and the world-spread Armenians, Artsakh managed to maintain and strengthen its state independence and security, create reliable foundation for sustainable development,” Bako Sahakyan said at the opening ceremony of Karot International Armenian Festival.

“The Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity is the base of all our victories and achievements. Widening cultural ties and developing this sphere has an invaluable significance in strengthening this very unity. Karot international festival was first held in 2008 and has already became a pan-Armenian event. State and non-governmental institutions and organizations in the Motherland and the Diaspora, business circles, prominent culture workers, people who endeavor to preserve the Armenian identity and national heritage have combined their efforts in organizing this festival. Karot also helps developing international cultural dialogue and presenting the Armenian culture abroad,” he said.

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