Kajik Barbaryan: Baku’s anti-Armenian propaganda takes root in Russia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Expert and analyst of the Center for Ethnic and Political Studies Kajik Barbaryan said that Baku’s anti-Armenian propaganda is taking root in Russia.

“The Azerbaijani propaganda machine have transformed the information monitoring into a tool for search and further attacks on Russian media, public activists and scientists exposed as having pro-Armenian stance on the Artsakh issue,” Barbaryan told an international conference titled the Armenian Diaspora of Russia: Challenges of Time.

“At the same time, through various humanitarian and education initiatives Baku involves Russian journalists, political essayists and scientists in its propagandistic manipulations,” he said.

According to the expert, the projects developed by the Russian office of Heydar Aliyev Foundation undermine Armenia and NKR’s information security, Yerkramas reported.

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