Armenia outstripts Georgia in education reforms implementation

Armenia outstripts Georgia in education reforms implementation

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan said that interests of the Armenian community of Georgia, including those of the Javakheti population, will be discussed during Georgian Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Shashkin’s visit to Armenia on September 28-30.

“Hopefully, a new agreement on cooperation between the two ministries will be signed as part of this visit to substitute the agreement that expired in 2008,” Ashotyan told journalists on September 7.

He added that currently there are not any legal documents regulating relations in the field of education and science.

According to Ashotyan, the Armenian language study in Georgia will also be on the agenda. “Issues related to our community in Georgia, integration of our educational systems will be discussed,” he said.

He noted that the Ministry offered Georgian colleagues to organize a conference with participation of the two countries’ experts this year, what will allow Armenia and Georgia to exchange experience in this field.

Ashotyan stressed that Armenia is ahead of Georgia in implementation of education reforms.

A center for the Georgian language study is envisaged to be opened at Yerevan State Linguistic University. “Technical works have been completed and I hope that the center will officially open during my counterpart’s visit,” Ashotyan said.

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