Azerbaijani public being continuously misinformed

Azerbaijani public being continuously misinformed

PanARMENIAN.Net - Over the past years, the Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group and Foreign Ministers of the MG Co-chairing states have adopted a number of statements which clearly indicate that the status of Nagorno Karabakh is determined through the expression of will of NK people.

“Araz Azimov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, never took part in top meetings on Karabakh and knows about the content of talks by hearsay. He is just being used by the leadership to misinform the Azerbaijani public,” Armenian MFA spokesman Tigran Balayan said, when commenting on the latest statement by the above mentioned official.

Azimov stated earlier Tuesday that “the Armenian President rejected the mediators’ proposals and now blames the lack of progress in talks on Baku.”

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