Kamo Hovhannesyan: Armenia is losing talents for inability to offer higher salaries

Kamo Hovhannesyan: Armenia is losing talents for inability to offer higher salaries

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia is losing many wonderful soloists, singers, dancers and ballerinas because of unsatisfactory social conditions. Some have to take up multiple jobs to survive, which can’t but tell on their main jobs, the director of National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater Kamo Hovhannesyan said.

Still, as he pointed out in a conversation with PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the Opera and Ballet Theatre has been able to offer better conditions and higher salaries as compared with others. “One of our baritones, Gegorg Hakobyan, a world class professional has been offered a job in Italy, where he’ll possibly stay, despite being a great patriot. However, I believe, under favourable circumstances, no artist would leave his country,” Hovhannesyan stressed.

National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater employees’ salaries amount to AMD 53-118 thousand (soloists), AMD 40-90 thousand (choir singers), AMD 56-85 thousand (musicians), AMD 48-114 thousand (ballet dancers).

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