Lilit Mkrtchyan, Tigran Petrosyan win tournament dedicated to 50th anniversary of Henrik Kasparian chess school

Lilit Mkrtchyan, Tigran Petrosyan win tournament dedicated to 50th anniversary of Henrik Kasparian chess school

PanARMENIAN.Net - On December 25, the Chess House in Yerevan hosted an event dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Henrik Kasparian chess school.

School Director Vadim Hairapetyan briefed on the school activity and expressed gratitude to the school students, who successfully participated in various international tournaments.

“We are proud of the fact that Levon Aronian, Gabriel Sargissian, Vladimir Akopian, Tigran Nalbandyan, Hrant Melkumyan, as well as Elina Danielyan and Lilit Mkrtchyan are graduates of our school. The school has 36 branches in Armenia’s regions,” said Hayrapetyan.

As part of the event, the chess players, who participated in the tournament dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the school, were awarded.

The tournament brought together 90 chess players, including 20 GMs. Lilit Mkrtchyan and Tigran Petrosyan won the tournament.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, who is also the President of the Chess Federation of Armenia, participated in the solemn event.

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