January 17, 2011 - 11:35 AMT
Event in Solidarity with Victims of All Genocides to be held in London

An event in Solidarity with the Victims of All Genocides and in commemoration of slain editor of Istanbul-based newspaper Akos, Hrant Dink, will take place on January 19, 2011 at the Turkish Embassy in London.

Prior to the event, a Hrant Dink Commemorative Conference on The Persecution of Indigenous Peoples, Unrepresented and/or Occupied Nations, Minorities and 'Others' (in Turkey, Pakistan, South America and Iraq) will be held on January 18 in the House of Lords, Westminster.

The speakers will be Eilian Williams (Tribute to Hrant Dink and his worldwide significance), Haci Ozdemir (Perspectives on "Disappearances" worldwide), genocide scholar Desmond Fernandes (The targeting of Kurds and 'Others' in Turkey) and Kasim Agpak, member of the Kurdish Federation in the UK and a representative from the International Platform Against Isolation.

The Conference is sponsored by Baroness Finlay of Llandaff and Baroness Cox.