At least one person killed in new protests in Cairo

At least one person killed in new protests in Cairo

PanARMENIAN.Net - Egypt's army has cracked down on protests in Cairo's symbolic Tahrir Square, leaving at least one person dead and dozens injured.

The violence occurred overnight as the army tried to clear protesters calling for ex-President Hosni Mubarak and his family to be tried for corruption. The injured suffered gunshot wounds but the army denies using live rounds.

Tahrir Square became the symbolic centre of protests that led to Mr Mubarak stepping down this year.

Egypt's health ministry has so far confirmed that one person died overnight and says 71 people were hurt. Medical sources told news agencies that at least two people had died. Protesters have now returned to the square following the army withdrawal and are continuing demonstrations.

"Tahrir Square will be emptied of protesters with firmness and force to ensure life goes back to normal," Major General Adel Emarah, of the military council, told a news conference.

The army had maintained a generally neutral role in the earlier mass demonstrations, BBC reported.

But about 300 troops moved into the square at about 0300 local time (0100 GMT) on April 9 to break up a camp in the centre. Protesters say they were beaten with clubs and shots were fired. An army spokesman told Reuters news agency that only blanks were used.

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