RPA and Prosperous Armenia favorites in polls

RPA and Prosperous Armenia favorites in polls

PanARMENIAN.Net - The ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) and another coalition party - Prosperous Armenia - are leading in the public opinion poll conducted among the population of Yerevan on the next parliamentary elections, according to Gevorg Poghosyan, chairman of the Armenian Sociological Association.

“26,7% of respondents see RPA as the leader in next parliamentary elections, while 18,7% favor Prosperous Armenia,” the sociologist told a press conference in Yerevan.

They are followed by the Armenian National Congress (ANC) - 7,7%, ARF Dashnaktsutyun -7,4%, Heritage Party – 6,2%, People’s Party– 4,6% and Orinats Yerkir party – 4,1%, whereas 22-23% stated that they will vote for no one.

Poghosyan said that some months before elections the poll results are of interest for specialists and parties only, they are not interesting for ordinary people, since public attitude may change dramatically by the time of elections. He also noted that 40-50% of elderly respondents stated on their support to the People’s Party, the Heritage and ANC. While 31% of younger respondents supported Dashnaktsutyun.

The public poll engaged 600 residents of Yerevan, and the sociologist assures that the accuracy of the poll is ±3%.

Parliamentary elections in Armenia are scheduled for 2012.

4  22.06.11 - Press conference of the president of Armenian Sociological Association Gevorg Poghosyan
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