Protesters break into Syrian embassy in Berlin

Protesters break into Syrian embassy in Berlin

PanARMENIAN.Net - A group of about 30 demonstrators stormed the Syrian embassy in Berlin overnight and confronted the ambassador to Germany, police said Sunday, October 9, following similar protests in other European capitals.

No one was injured, a police spokesman said.

The protesters, Syrian nationals, broke through a gate in the fence and then penetrated the building, where they found the ambassador.

"The ambassador also resides there," the spokesman said. "He alerted the police and asked them to take measures on Syrian territory," he said, referring to the grounds of the embassy.

Police escorted the intruders from the building and took their personal details. About six of the demonstrators outside the building pelted it with paint bombs.

One person was briefly detained and released while another demonstrator was taken into custody on an outstanding arrest warrant, AFP reported.

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