Documentary about Armenians screened in Kiev

PanARMENIAN.Net - Kiev hosted screening of the Armenian legacy of Europe documentary.

The film is a huge cultural project aimed at studying and promoting history and development of Armenian communities in Europe, their impact on various fields of these countries.

According to the film director Valery Balayan, Armenian legacy of Europe depicts fraternal relations between Armenians, Ukrainians and representatives of other cultures that have long resided in Ukraine.

The documentary was shot through financial and organizational support of Kharkiv-based Renaissance Charitable Fund.

“We hope that the film will be screened in all major cities of Europe serving a purpose for us to continue the activity of our fund,” Chairwoman of the Fund Lyudmila Belova said.

On November 20, 2011, the film was screened in The Hague and Lviv, to be screened in Kharkiv in December,

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