Street in Palestinian city named after Medvedev

PanARMENIAN.Net - One of Jericho’s central streets will be named after President Dmitry Medvedev, Palestinian National Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas announced at a meeting with his Russian counterpart in Moscow.

The Palestinian president, who is currently on a visit to Russia, handed President Medvedev a certificate confirming the honor.

The document states that due to “historic cultural, political and public relations between Russian and thePalestinian people,” and in light of Russia’s special relations with Jericho, its mayoral council decided to name the city’s main street after “our friend, Mr Dmitry Medvedev.” The gesture is to be seen as “a new symbol of friendship between our people,” the certificate reads, RT said, citing Itar-Tass.

Medvedev Street is home to the Russian museum and an ancient religious shrine – Zacchaeus’ tree. A year ago, in January 2011, Medvedev visited Jericho an opened the art museum there.

Speaking in Moscow, Abbas noted that Dmitry Medvedev’s trip to the ancient city was “crucially important” and, compared to visits by other leaders, “very eventful.” He added that Jericho citizens were so impressed they decided to name one of their streets after the Russian head of state.

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