PanARMENIAN.Net - After almost a year of waiting, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia now look likely to be offered the prospect of partial membership of the EU, Euobserver reported yesterday. According to the source, FMs of the EU member-states, meeting in Brussels yesterday determined to reopen the debate on EU relations with the Southern Caucasus and look likely to tacitly agree to include the countries on the EU's 'Wider Europe' program. Euobserver notes that forged last year, "Wider Europe" aims to create a ring of countries around the Union, which would be part of a vast internal market. Including in the program is something more than association, but less than membership. However in the opinion held by Euobserver it is nearly equal to the membership in the EU. Gaining the freedom of movement for people, services, goods and capital, the Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean countries included in the program will also have to transpose EU legislation. However a Commission diplomat said that Monday's meeting is unlikely to see any decision formally taken. For that Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have to wait until May. According to the source EU's Enlargement Commissioner Günter Verheugen has pencilled in a trip to the South Caucasian region.
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