Online media not censored by Armenian government - opinion

Online media not censored by Armenian government - opinion

PanARMENIAN.Net - The advantage of online media is that its content is not censored, alternative information being thus available.

Representative of the international Reporters Without Borders press freedom organization in Armenia Shushan Doydoyan says online media in Armenia are not censored.

“Maybe there are topics the editors avoid, or provide little coverage about; however, I think there is no direct classic censorship by the authorities,” she told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Commenting upon the ban on media to disseminate information under the emergency situation declared during March 1, 2008 events, Doydoyan said this was a rough interference by the government with the freedom of speech.

March 12 was the International Online Free Expression Day and the World Day against Cyber Censorship.

Reporters Without Borders launched the first International Online Free Expression Day on March 12, 2008. Now named World Day Against Cyber Censorship, this annual event rallies support for a single Internet without restrictions and accessible to all.

On March 12, Syrian citizen journalists were awarded the Google-sponsored Netizen prize for 2012 by Reporters Without Borders in Paris.

The Netizen Prize is awarded annually to a blogger, online journalist or cyber-dissident who has helped to promote freedom of expression on the Internet. The winner receives Euro 2500 in prize money.

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