Minister of Internal Affairs of Armenia will not be offered bread and salt in Azerbaijan.

The 4th session of the Council of Ministers of Internal Affairs of the CIS countries will start in Baku on September 6th. Mr. Hayk Harutyunyan, the Head of the Armenian Ministry of Interior, will also participate in the session. The delegation accompanying him will include: Major-General Armen Yeritsian, Deputy Minister, and Colonel Eduard Kazaryan, Head of the Staff. The Armenian officials are not embarrassed with the fact that in order to discuss with colleagues the 8 issues of the schedule approved preliminary, they will have to go to a country, with which Armenia recently was in a war and with which no peace agreement has been signed up to now. At the previous session the representatives of Armenia agreed the next session to be held in Azerbaijan. It will take only two days to know if they were right or no.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The concerns about the security of the Armenian envoys are caused by the loyal position of the Azeri authorities regarding the radical groupings that threaten to punish the members of Armenian delegations. Each time, when a delegation is going to arrive to Baku from Yerevan or Stepanakert, the Baku «hawks» initiate «threatening actions». The most interesting is that the authorities not only remain indifferent and do not do anything to neutralize the organizers of the disorders, but sometimes even indirectly assist to them. For example, in summer last year the Azerbaijani special services responsible for the security of the members of Karabakh delegation at the international forum on human rights held in Baku, created all the necessary conditions for implementation of an operation planned earlier, as a result of which an attack against Karen Ohanjanyan, head of the Karabakh committee of the “Helsinki Assembly” took place. As it was expected, the assailant, whom the guards permitted to hurt the expert from Karabakh, was released immediately after being arrested. The Baku press made him a hero. At the same time, the leader of the ex-governing party of the National front urged his compatriots in an interview to “cut the ears” of the Armenians who arrive in Baku to participate in international forums.

This is not the first time when the Azerbaijani authorities give an occasion to suspect them in direct participation in organization of disorders aimed at threatening the delegates of international forums arriving in Baku. In April, during the days of a scientific conference in Baku dedicated to ecology problems, a picket was held behind the hotel where the members of the Armenian delegation were staying, the participants of which were extremely aggressive. Taking into account the public resonance of the event, the Azeri authorities were obliged to break up the demonstration. The activists of the organization called “Union of Karabakh liberation” were arrested, but only for few hours, after which they were released. None of them was accused. Two days later the same people held a new action with more aggressive slogans. This time the ideologist of the organization, Akif Nagi, was taken to police. But again he was not accused of anything. Two weeks later Nagi made noise again, this time protesting against the arrival of a representative of the Yerevan municipality, who went there to participate in the session of the general assembly of the capital cities – members of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. Again he was not punished.

All the described facts confirm that the Azerbaijani authorities are not going to create real guarantees of security for the Armenians arriving in Baku to participate in the international forums being held there. Despite such facts, which obviously do not contribute to creation of a constructive atmosphere, the international organizations continue to hold regional meetings and conferences in Azerbaijan, thus driving the Armenian delegates into an embarrassing situation. It's worth noting that the Armenian party has always expressed good will, avoiding public demarches, and has never used its right of veto while discussing the issues concerning where to hold forums. But this good will is not appreciated in Azerbaijan. Its authorities do not want to comprehend that as a result of demonstration of such hostility towards the participants of conferences and forums held in Baku, no forums of regional and international level will be held in Baku.
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