Assistant to President of Russia Sergey Yastrzhembski said.

A branch of an organization, which is a part of the “Al Qaida” international terrorist network, operates in Baku up to now. The matter concerns the so called “Benevolence International Foundation”. Interesting details about the activity of this organization in Azerbaijan were revealed recently.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Sergey Yastrzhembski, assistant to the Russian President said in an interview with the “Eco of Moscow” radio station that the special services have undeniable proofs of close ties between the “Benevolence International Foundation” Baku office and the leaders of Chechen terrorists. It has been revealed, particularly, that the hired persons from Muslim countries fighting against federal forces in Chechnya are being financed from Baku. The bank accounts of the Azerbaijani branch of the foundation had big resources meant for the troops of Khattab field commander. Besides, according to Yastrzhembski, the Jordanian terrorist was receiving from Baku also lot of explosive materials, means of communication, ammunition, X-ray systems, and different equipment.

We’ll remind that the “Benevolence International Foundation”, which was financing the Chechen soldiers and “Al Qaida” terrorists, opened its branch in Baku 8 years ago. This structure covers its activity under a mask of a benevolent organization. Each month big sums of money were being transferred to Azerbaijan from the head office in Chicago. After the information about the ties of the organization with “Al Qaida” was proved, the head of the “Benevolence International Foundation” Enaam Arnaut was arrested. The bank accounts opened in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, other countries, belonging to the fund leaders, were revealed and frozen. The regional structures of the foundation were closed all over the world, and their heads – arrested.

However, the Baku branch of the “Benevolence International Foundation” did not quit its activity even after the foundation was included by the UNO in the list of the organizations having links with “Al Qaida”. The indifference of Azerbaijan contradicts to the resolution N. 1267 adopted in 1999 by the Security Council, which demands from the government to prohibit the activity of structures supporting the international terrorism. On November 25th the Commission of the Security Council spread information containing the precise address of the headquarters of the branch of the “Benevolence International Foundation”: Baku, Bashir Safaroghlu street, app. 69. Azerbaijani authorities were not interested in this; they did not consider necessary to undertake something for liquidation of the branches of the extremist groups. The leaders of the Baku branch of the representation assure the journalists that “they do not undergo any pressure from the Azerbaijani authorities”.

Not only in the West, but now also in Russia they do not understand the strange behavior of the official Baku. The case with the “Benevolence International Foundation” demonstrates that Azerbaijan, which assures the world community in its readiness to participate in the fight against international terrorism, in reality, backs the extremist structures continuing to operate freely on the territory of the country.
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