The composition of the new Parliament will become clear only after the formation of the government.

On June 14th the first session of the newly elected National Assembly will be held. The elder deputy will chair there until the deputies elect a Chairman. Now the process of formation of political groups is going on.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Republican Party (RPA) has firm dominating positions. At first sight, the 34 (from 131) mandates gained by it seem insufficient for deciding everything independently. But it must be taken into account that in any case the Parliamentary majority can not be formed without the RPA. All other pro-governmental factions together do not secure the weight equal to that of the faction of the Republicans. And if we take into account also the influence of the RPA on independent deputies, it becomes evident that the ruling party will be very free during the consultations concerning the formation of the ruling coalition.

The potential partners of the Republicans understand that in order to have a control over the Parliament the Republicans do not have to share the power with all their recent allies during the Presidential elections. It will be enough for them to involve only one of the two partners: either Orinats Yerkir (20 mandates) or Dashnaktsutiun (11 mandates). Having gained the support of one of the groups as well as the deputy group of the loyal independent deputies, the Republicans will be able to form an unsteady majority. The possibility of such a scenario is not very serious as the inevitable swaying may deprive the coalition of the votes necessary for the control over the legislative power. However, theoretically this is rather possible. This is why, the Republicans may make both the Orinats Yerkirt and the Dashnaks understand that they should be more compliant and honest in their demands.

However, very few doubt that the RPA will have to share the power with those whom before the elections the President named as possible participants in the ruling coalition. Moreover, it is not ruled out that a small part of the power will be also suggested to the United Labor Party gathered 5 mandates. Regarding Artashes Geghamyan, the “National Unity” led by him (9 mandates) will have to be satisfied with post of a chairman of a parliamentary commission. The leaders of the radical oppositional block, “Justice” (16 mandates) say they will refuse any proposal of chairmanship in the parliamentary commissions. However, the opinion of the opposition is not very consolidated in this regard. It seems that the chairmen of the commissions of culture and science and of legal issues, Shavarsh Kocharian and Victor Dallakian, will not be against to remain in their offices. According to the law, the government members elected by deputies can maintain their functions till the formation of the new government. 12 Ministers elected from the lists of the RPA and Dashanktsutiun are waiting for the President’s decree, having the legislative activity as a reserve. No doubts that the majority of the officials, who entered the parliament under the flag of the pro-governmental parties, will get the portfolios they want and will prefer to work in the offices of the building on the Republic square. This means that the composition of the deputies to be present at the first session will very soon be innovated.
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