The law-enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan do not do anything to prevent kamikazes that are organizing an attempt.

The so-called "Organization of Karabakh Liberation" group has started to implement its criminal plans against the representatives of Armenia participating in the forum held in Baku by the North-Atlantic Alliance. We shall remind that on January 13 three officials from the Armenian Ministry of Defense were to arrive in Baku to participate in the primary conference on planning of "Cooperative Best Effort-2004" military maneuvers to be held in Azerbaijan within the frames of the "Partnership for Peace" program. According to available information, members of the "Organization of Karabakh Liberation" are preparing a terrorist act.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Though the "Organization of Karabakh Liberation" is not announcing its plans, one can easily understand what they mean by saying "most radical forms of protest". Organization's leader Akif Nagi tries to liberate him from any responsibility for the possible actions. Meanwhile, it is evident that he is the main organizer of the acts. "I would like to declare that I have never said anything about terrorism against Armenians. The journalists have invented it," he said recently in an interview with "Regnum" news agency. At the same time, the interview reads: "I warn the Armenians that are going to come to Baku: they will meat unpleasant surprises. It will become a tragedy for them".

Member of the Organization Firudin Mamedov promised that the Armenian soldiers will be taken hostages. At a picket near the British Embassy on December 14 Deputy Head of the Organization of Karabakh Liberation Barat Imani said: "We are ready to carry out terrorist acts against Armenians provided that the world considers Armenia and aggressor". Another member of the organization said that kamikazes that will kill the Armenian servicemen are ready. Akif Nagi himself has not denied the information: "We are not going to dismiss those who want to express their protest in a radical way," he said.

The most interesting is that the law-enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan do not do anything to prevent the terrorists. The Echo newspaper writes: "Though the situation is rather serious [during the picket organized in the Baku airport when the Armenian delegation arrived] there were only few representatives of law-enforcement bodies in the airport. Moreover, they were not trying to prevent the protest actions..." This is another proof that the official Baku is not able, or it doesn't want to guarantee the security of the participants of the conference. This makes us think, if NATO was right to hold such an important event in Azerbaijan.
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