The voting in the UN General Assembly didn't bring the results Azerbaijan was expecting

The fact, that the UNO has already expired itself as an organization capable of making any reasonable decisions, was clear already when it approved the resolutions on the Genocide of Rwanda and the Genocide of Darfur. No less shameful did the organization

As it was expected, the voting in the UN General Assembly of the resolution on "the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" didn't bring the results Baku was expecting. But the deputy of Milly Mejlis of Azerbaijan Asim Molladze hurried to congratulate the Azeri diplomacy with the big victory. A recurrent maxim about the "dethronement of the Armenian powerful lobby" wasn't left aside either. As a matter of fact, Molladze didn't make any new discoveries.
PanARMENIAN.Net - But if the voting of OIC and GUAM may be qualified as a "big victory", then we don't know how Armenia may define the position of the OSCE Member Countries and other 100 countries, which simply didn't want to participate in the shameful event. The fact, that the UNO has already expired itself as an organization capable of making any reasonable decisions, was clear already when it approved the resolutions on the Genocide of Rwanda and the Genocide of Darfur. No less shameful did the organization act when it forbade the exhibition dedicated to the Armenian Genocide. The last unsuccessful step of the UN Security Council was passing the Ahtisaari plan.

Baku has already started to speak against the countries, having voted against the resolution. "The Embassy of Azerbaijan has carried out many works with the Indian party, so that the latter would at least abstain from voting in the UN regarding the Karabakh issue," said the Ambassador of Azerbaijan in India Tamerlan Karaev. However, according to him, Baku failed. "We had very big plans regarding the two-sided relations, but unfortunately with the step that India took yesterday crossed out all the possibilities. Now the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Deli is waiting for certain instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after which we will officially declare our position to the Indian party. Undoubtedly, the position of India in the UNO was a great disappointment to us, and certainly all this will seriously effect on further relations between the two countries," said Karaev.

Araz Azimov didn't keep aside from the issue either. "The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group on Nagorno Karabakh (the USA, Russia and France) must take into consideration the resolution of the UN General Assembly in all their actions. The co-chairs have out themselves in an impartial situation; have put shame on themselves by acting against the Azeri viewpoint. We will not forget the hostility they feel fro us. We have always tried to create an atmosphere of trust between us. But after this trust was destroyed, perhaps it will not be possible to mend this situation any more," he declared. For some reasons, none of the Azeri diplomats mentions that this resolution doesn't have any legal effect. They think that the Azeri nation doesn't have to worry about such trifles.

According to RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanyan, the resolution is very hypocritical. "On the one hand this is an attempt to misinform the UN Member States and that is why the document contains an article supporting the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group. The Member Countries have clearly declared that they are not going to support the resolution and that they are going to vote against it," he emphasized. Vartan Oskanyan mentioned that Armenia is curious about the next step that Azerbaijan is going to take. "The question is how this resolution will effect on the process of negotiations or whether Azerbaijan will really receive a clear note and will get back to negotiations," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia. In his turn Armen Martirosyan mentioned that the resolution of the UN General Assembly with the demand of immediate withdrawal of the Armenian forces from "the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" will interrupt the peaceful process of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict regulation. According to him this document contradicts to the fundamental international norms.

It is quite understandable that it was not difficult for Azerbaijan to gain the support of the GUAM Countries and OIC. Serbia's position is also quite understandable; the country is very upset with the UNO for its decision on the Kosovo issue. But it is hard to understand what Columbia and unknown countries like Tuvalu or Myanmar have to do with this issue. By the way, it is worth mentioning that Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which are OIK member countries, abstained from voting being very well aware of the state of affairs. So it is quite untimely to speak about victory. But there is no doubt that this has served as a very good lesson for the Armenian diplomacy. It is natural that Baku will not content itself with the UNO, and will try to promote this kind of resolutions in all competent international organizations. And only the truth about the situation in Nagorno Karabakh may fight all these lies. However, it's very unlikely that the 39 countries having participated in the voting are not aware of the real state of affairs. Simply the Islamic solidarity, which is unfortunately much stronger than the Christian solidarity, worked out well.
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