Does Azerbaijan have all the grounds for the militarist rhetoric?

Baku does not have a unified opinion on something, whose assignee is the modern Azerbaijan.

On the threshold of the Presidential elections the Karabakh issue has again become the hot topic in Baku, which is the best method of distracting the population from essential problems; and Azerbaijan, rich in oil and gas, certainly has many of these problems. "To the worldwide inflationary processes, many national processes, enhancing the processes going on in the world, have come up.
PanARMENIAN.Net - At least the fact that in Norway the rise of the prices during the past year reached 2.3% may serve as a proof of the above mentioned, whereas in Azerbaijan this number reached up to 20%. This speaks of the fact that the process of the curb of the inflationary processes is of a controlling character. The truth is, that an adequate economic policy of the government is needed for this," cites the words of the famous economist Inglab Ahmedov. According to him, the Azeri economy is "overheated" and needs to cool down. "Unfortunately, we are witnessing a bigger economic "overheat,"
says the economist. In such conditions calls for resolution of the Karabakh conflict with the help of force and manipulation of the history may have their say, but only for a short term perspective.

During the latest space bridge Yerevan - Moscow - Baku the political scientist Fikret Sadikhov announced, that Azerbaijan has all the grounds for the militarist rhetoric, as well as all the possibilities for their realization. "Baku's viewpoint is based on the international law on territorial integrity of the country," he emphasized. The principle of the
territorial integrity became the mantra of all the Azeri political scientists, who follow the example of Ilham Aliyev. It is quite possible that Baku thinks that if this mantra is repeated over and over, the process of regulation will work for the favor of their country. However, as always, the main party of the negotiations; Nagorno-Karabakh is missing in the
assumptions of the Azeri political scientists. Sadikhov himself is confident that the current authorities of the Nagorno-Karabakh, being involved in the negotiations as one of the parties, will not want to have a quick solution of the conflict.

But the most interesting part in all this is that as it proves Baku does not have a unified opinion on something, whose assignee is the modern Azerbaijan. According to the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan dating August 31, 1991, the AR is the assignee of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, which existed from 1918 till 1920. But then the Nagorno-Karabakh was not included in the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. At present the Azeri historians claim that the Republic of Azerbaijan is the assignee of the former Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan and since the
Nagorno-Karabakh was a part of the Soviet Republic, according to the international law, it must remain in Azerbaijan.

Historian Eldar Ismailov during the same space bridge agreed that the Nagorno-Karabakh is not a nation, but a territorial concept. The interesting thing is that all the documents speak of the Armenian population the Nagorno-Karabakh, but not of "Karabakhi people". But maybe this is more convenient for the Azeri historian: no nation, no problem.

Meanwhile, the official Baku thinks that involving the Armenian community of Karabakh in the negotiation process of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation is an absurdity. The head of the department of foreign relations of the executive personnel of the President of Azerbaijan Novruz Mamedov announced about this.

According to him, "Azerbaijan is not going to enroll the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh in the negotiations today, since it can have peaceful negotiations with Armenia." "If Armenia declares in front of the international community that it steps away from the negotiation process and will not interfere in the process any more, this issue may be reconsidered in the future," he said.

"Azerbaijan may go for negotiations with the Armenian community of the Nagorno-Karabakh, but only in resolution of certain issues regarding the co-habitation of the Armenian and Azeri communities of Nagorno-Karabakh. This may happen only after the peace agreement is signed, which is not seen in the near future," emphasized the representative of the official Baku.
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