Implementation of double standards is a prerogative of power-holders

The term «precedent» strongly entered into the everyday life of diplomats and politicians shortly after the recognition of Kosovo's independence.

September 18, 2008
Reproaching the West with the implementation of double standards, at times we refuse them to Russia, the so-called strategic ally of Armenia. In fact, any power-holder adheres to this principle regarding small and weak countries. The latest statement of RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov can testify for it. "The recognition by Russia of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia does not set a precedent for other post-Soviet breakaway regions - Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh," RF FM noted.

Power distribution is expected afresh in the Caucasus region

The question of "who-whom" has never been so seriously put in the South Caucasus region.

September 16, 2008
Leaders and regional countries, which are trying to solve their problems at the expense of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, have lately demonstrated great "enthusiasm" in the process of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation. The USA, France and Russia (co-chair countries) are solving their problems too, just on a global scale. The US Administration is presently in a rush: in a few months President Bush's office term comes to an end, and after seven years of failure he needs at least a minor diplomatic victory.

The Caucasus platform leaves out Iran and is sponsored by the USA

Especially interested in the non-admission of Iran into the Caucasus platform is Israel, since in that case, the activity of the European lobby in Washington would be hindered.

September 13, 2008
Turkish Prime-Minister Recep Erdogan's initiative on forming "Peace and Stability Caucasus Platform" almost coincided with the regular rumors on the possible attack of the USA on Iran. As such, the struggle for becoming a regional power-holder passed on to the next, and, quite possibly, to the concluding phase. Naturally, the USA openly backs up Turkey in this struggle, while Russia holds a neutral position, giving preference to neither of the sides.

The Caucasus platform of Turkey may cause new conflicts

The Caucasus platform has a substantial defect - it has no place for Iran.

September 11, 2008
The initiative of Turkey to form a Caucasus platform may be assessed as an attempt to reanimate the Ottoman Empire at least within the Caucasus boundaries and in the presence of strategic relations with Russia, as well as to approach the status of a regional power-holder. What will happen next is well known to Armenia from her history, and you needn't be a prophet to foresee that the Republic of Armenia will drown in the Turkic sea.

Azerbaijan urges Turkey to co-preside in the OSCE Minsk Group

In all probability Baku and Ankara are eager to billet international peacekeeping troops in the region of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and change of format is exactly what they need.

September 9, 2008
Visit of the Turkish President to Yerevan once again revived the problem of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation. Azerbaijan's enthusiasm to promote Turkey's co-presidency in the OSCE Minsk Group over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation is not new to us, especially when Turkey together with France, USA, and Russia (co-chairs), as well as with Belarus, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Sweden and Finland is a member of the OSCE Minsk Group, established in 1992 with the aim of the conflict settlement.

As it seems, Azerbaijan aims to become more catholic than the Pope is

On the whole Turkey is not interested in the way the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be solved. It only aims to achieve the status of a regional power-holder and is ready to turn every stone on her way.

September 6, 2008
In connection with Turkish President Abdullah Gul's visit to Yerevan Azerbaijan seems to be willing to become more catholic than the Pope is. In no other way it is possible to interpret the panic that has spread in the Mass Media of our neighbouring country, which accuses Turkey of "treachery". And though official Baku is silent it offers everyone an opportunity to express themselves on the subject.

Gul's visit to Armenia is necessary for the USA, Europe, Turkey, Russia and, lastly, for Armenia

It would be naive to consider that successor of the Ottoman Empire would agree to recognize the Armenian Genocide, the major reason for absence of relations between the two countries.

September 4, 2008
Happened what was absolutely incredible: Turkish President Abdullah Gul finally made up his mind to visit Yerevan, notwithstanding the opposition protests and calls of the Azerbaijani politicians. Everything is clear with the Turkish opposition - in case Gul refused the invitation, the opposition would make up an excuse for the refusal. But the visit to Yerevan is a different matter. Deniz Baykal, Devlet Bahceli and others openly blame Head of State for ignoring interests of the nation.

Kosovo boomerang: everyone loses

The Georgian-Ossetian conflict threw the uni-polar world and the US supremacy into collapse, for which America will hardly be grateful to Saakashvili.

September 2, 2008
The outrageous 5-day war is now over. Everyone lost: Georgia, Russia, the West, and the region. And you would be wrong to think that either the West or Russia was able to achieve anything through the war. Saakashvili's expectations were all subject to failure too, as he wished far too much and set hopes on the USA, which could hardly desire to fight for Georgia, whose location on the world map was unknown to an average American before the war broke out in South Ossetia.

In fact, Baku-Tbilisi-Jeihan pipeline is not accurately protected

The present and future possible explosions may strike the Nabucco project, though it is already on the verge of collapse.

August 7, 2008
Fire on the oil-pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Jeihan (BTJ) is not yet put out and it may still continue for several days. As the Turkish side informs, repair work will last till August 14. Actually happened what was repeatedly spoken about: the pipeline passes through a hazardous zone and terrorist acts are not excluded. In spite of confirmations, Azerbaijan and Turkey are not able to ensure security of the pipeline.

Relations between Ankara and Tehran are becoming red-hot

Not once Iran has tried to put the Turkish Islamists under her protection, and at least twice Iranian diplomats have been accused in Turkey of being personas non grata, after they took part in the religious-political rallies.

August 6, 2008
The verdict of ''not guilty'' of Turkey's Constitutional Court against the claim to ban the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) brought no peace to Turkey's home policy. The party of Gul and Erdoğan survived by a miracle, but there is no guarantee that quiet times will set in Turkey. Just on the contrary, appointment of General İlker Başbuğ on the post of Chief of the General Staff can only precipitate the onset of crisis in the country.