Baku urges the OSCE Minsk Group for new proposals on the Karabakh conflict regulation

Azerbaijan might require the OSCE to brief on the process of substituting the Minsk Group co-chairs.

July 10, 2008
For the past half-year Azerbaijan has developed a growing confrontation against the OSCE Minsk Group over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation. The story initiated back in March 2008 and, quite apparently, it will last till October, when Presidential Elections of Azerbaijan are expected. Till then Baku will try to blackmail the world community through scandalous and militaristic statements. By the way, international public still pays no attention to the statements of Official Baku but it might be only for the time being.

Peace in the region dictates price for oil

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran excludes the possibility of armed attacks on the part of the USA and Israel, as well as any other military operations in its region till January 2009.

July 8, 2008
The Iranian issue is again а priority for the world brought forth by several factors. One of the essential, though far not the most important factor is yearning of US President Bush to complete his office "with dignity". No one in the President's administration speaks of the possible failure, though such turn of events is quite probable, even predictable. The background information on Iran, its nuclear program and the possible war of the US against the Islamic Republic of Iran bears a close analogy with the eve of the U.S. intrusion into Iraq in 2003.

Iran strives to become the regional power-holder competing against Turkey.

Iran's intention, or to be more exact, her wish to participate in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation must be viewed from the point of view of its striving to become the regional power-holder.

June 26, 2008
Lately Iran has started to attract the attention of the world community more and more often. And the thing is not only in the permanent threats of the USA and Israel, but also of the fact that Tehran is trying to become the power-holder of the region. Iran's real rival in this issue is Turkey, who does not have the support of the Arab countries. However, it is quite possible that the Islamic course of the Justice and Development Party (AKR) may help Turkey to overcome the difficulties with the Arab world.

Will the President of Turkey come to Yerevan?

Turkey has indeed become the hostage of Baku, as well as its interests, its energy supplies and nobody knows how long it will still last.

June 24, 2008
The announcement that the President of Armenia Serge Sargsyan made in Moscow, may change the situation in the region. The matter concerns the possible normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations, which is necessary to the USA, EU and Turkey itself. This may be the very decisive point in the negotiations with the EU. For the USA the safety of the pipelines is also very important, since Azerbaijan and Turkey are not able to do that.

Will the countries of South Caucasus go without a European Visa?

The list of the countries of the "Eastern Partnership" leads to the idea that these are the very countries, which according to the EU need to be cut off from Russia.

June 21, 2008
The completed EU summer summit in Brussels has approved the Polish-Swedish project "Eastern Partnership". The project "Eastern Partnership" presupposes the establishment of the forum of a regional cooperation of the EU countries with Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as with Belarus on the expert level. The implementation of the project "Eastern Partnership", according to the initiators of the project, must bring to the abrogation of the visa regime of the EU with the listed republics, as well as the establishment of a free market zone.

During the hearings on South Caucasus issues in the US House of Representatives nothing new was said

Joe Knollenberg and Frank Pallone announced that Azerbaijan is a dictatorship, which continues coming up with aggressive announcements and called the US Administration upon stopping the Azeri war machine.

June 19, 2008
The changing oil prices and the restless atmosphere in the Great Middle East, where the USA also includes the countries of South Caucasus, became the reason of the hearings of the Commission on Foreign Relations of the US House of Representatives "the Caucasus: frozen conflicts and blocked borders". However, practically nothing new was said by the US Secretary of States Assistant on European and Eurasian Issues Daniel Fried or the Head of the Commission Howard Berman.

Great Britain has always stood out with the excessive loyalty to the oil-producing countries

Azerbaijan indeed wants war not for the economic rise, but for the poor socio-economic situation, in which the largest part of the population has fallen.

June 14, 2008
The Azeri propaganda is becoming more and more fierce. Baku turns for help to highly paid journalists and political analysts of the West, who create the image of "prosperous and democratic" Azerbaijan. On June 7 the British magazine The Guardian published an article by Alexander Peterson about Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, where the author states Azerbaijan's viewpoint without having taken into consideration the truthfulness.

Does Azerbaijan have all the grounds for the militarist rhetoric?

Baku does not have a unified opinion on something, whose assignee is the modern Azerbaijan.

June 12, 2008
On the threshold of the Presidential elections the Karabakh issue has again become the hot topic in Baku, which is the best method of distracting the population from essential problems; and Azerbaijan, rich in oil and gas, certainly has many of these problems. "To the worldwide inflationary processes, many national processes, enhancing the processes going on in the world, have come up.

Turkey may suffer a serious crisis in its domestic affairs

The army and the authorities of the Turkish institutes of higher education have rather grounded fears regarding the expansion of Islam and the "destiny of Iran" fated for Turkey in the result of this expansion.

June 10, 2008
Turkey may suffer a serious crisis in its domestic affairs, and this may very probably happen already in the fall. The formal cause is Turkey's decision about the recognition of the anti-constitutional law on hijab. The abolition of the legislative act was initiated and insisted on by the opposition, in particular, by the DNP, accusing Erdoghan of his intentions of changing the secular life into a theocratic State.

Georgia follows the example of Azerbaijan in appropriation of the cultural heritage

After the attempts of "Georgianizing" the Church Norashen, Tbilisi has decided to appropriate the Armenian monastery in Turkey.

June 7, 2008
The Georgian government, as it shows, has seriously decided on appropriation of other countries' cultural heritage. After the attempts of "Georgianizing" the Church Norashen, Tbilisi has decided to appropriate the Armenian monastery in Turkey. The official representative of the province of Erzrum, where the monastery is situated, announced that the Georgia government is looking for means to renovate the historical monastery in the East of Turkey. The Monastery of Oshkvank in Chamliyamchat was built in 963 - 973 and is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.