The main aim of Azerbaijan is the complete isolation of Armenia from the regional projects

USA's urge to force out Russia from the Caucasus as soon as possible and to gain the complete control over the Caspian and Central Asian energy resources first of all strikes Armenia.

May 31, 2008
Azerbaijan does its best to isolate Armenia from all the regional transport projects. The GUAM Summit held in Baku, during which once again the issue of new transport corridor constructions was raised, is the evidence of the above mentioned. This time the topic of the discussion mostly was the rail road bridging the Black Sea with South Korea.

The history of France's recognition of the Armenian Genocide traces back to 1915

It would be incorrect to explain the disposition of the French government regarding the Armenian Genocide only through the powerful Armenian Diaspora, in spite of the assertions of Turkish and Azeri historians.

May 29, 2008
10 years ago, on May 29, 1998, the National Assembly of France passed the bill on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide committed in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 with the first reading. "France officially recognizes the Armenian Genocide of 1915," says the law, signed by the President of the National Assembly Laurent Fabius. On November 7, 2000, a similar law was passed in the Senate of France. And on January, 2001, President of France Jacque Chirac signed a law which stipulated that France recognizes the Armenian Genocide on all official levels.

The absence of the representatives from Karabakh in the negotiations will not bring to the resolution of the problem

Baku spoke so much of its intention to "return their lands by any means and even by war", that the country has become the hostage of its own rhetoric.

May 24, 2008
The Karabakh movement started 20 years ago. The first stage of the national-liberation war of the people of Artsakh for independence ended with the declaration of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. At present a rather complicated process of the legal recognition of NKR is underway, which, for some unknown reasons, is referred to as the process of regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Does Georgia equally belong to all its citizens regardless the nationality?

The Armenians from Georgia, who during centuries have had their irreplaceable asset in the culture and industry of the country, have done nothing to protect own rights.

May 22, 2008
After the declaration of independence of Georgia and a short period of time when the head of the country was the first President of Georgia Zviada Gamsakhurdia, who in his term was the founder of the slogan "Georgia - for Georgians", Tbilisi could not work out a clear and a sequential strategy of the national policy. What is at the moment being done by the administration of Michael Sahakashvili is more like a game played with the Armenian community, which will end after the election.

Georgia's encroachment on church "Norashen" speaks of the hostility of the official Tbilisi towards Armenia

Since the day of the declaration of the Georgian independence the authorities of the country have been promising the Armenian community to pass the law on religions, however, the law is not passed yet.

May 20, 2008
The authorities of Georgia, most probably, have decided to follow Azerbaijan's example and have started appropriating the Armenian architectural-cultural monuments. There is nothing new in all this: the given nation is not capable of creating something of its own, and is starting to appropriate someone else's culture. At the meantime, they believe for some unknown reasons, that the nation, whose monuments they are trying to steal, will not mind it, and even if it does, it will only be on public level. The case of the Armenian church "Norashen" in Tbilisi is a rather sad one.

The opening of the Armenian-Turkish border is a political project and in the economically Armenia does not need it, neither does Turkey

The opening of the borders can have a negative impact on Armenia and also in the regard that the war between the Turkish regular army and the Kurds may noticeably approach the Armenian border.

May 17, 2008
The congressman Adam Schiff introduced the bill calling the US President of Senate to urge Turkey to raise the blockade of the Armenian border. "The act of raising the Turkish blockade of the Armenian border" presumes a response from the Secretary of State about the measures of the USA for raising the blockade of the Armenian blockade in 30 days after final passing of the document. "We must intensify the pressure on Turkey so that it raises the terrible blockade of the Armenian border, which will allow the Armenian entrepreneurs to fully participate in the global economic procedures, as
well as will promote Armenia's integration into Europe," said Adam Schiff.

Will Armenia have to choose between the USA and Russia, i.e., between NATO and the CSTO?

Most of the Russian experts think that since Armenia, who has actually been Russia's only true ally in the region, does not have an outlet to the sea cannot be considered a key ally.

May 15, 2008
NATO's role in the region of the South Caucasus in the condition of strong rivalry between Moscow and Washington for the dominating stand in the region grows increasingly. The thing is not even in the fact that Georgia does its best to become a full member of the Alliance or in Russia's opposition to Georgia's intention. The close cooperation of the Alliance with all the three South Caucasian countries brings to the thought that the USA does its best to make the South Caucasus and Russia fall apart. In some sense, it has already been done in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

14 years of cease-fire in the Karabakh conflict zone

The initiator of the cease-fire was Russia, which wanted to spoil the relations with Azerbaijan.

May 13, 2008
On May 12, 1994 the Bishkek Protocol about the cease-fire in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone was signed, and on May 16 the meeting of the Minister of Defence of Armenia Serge Sargsyan, the Minister of Defence of Azerbaijan Mamedraffi Mamedov and the NKR Army Commander Samvel Babayan took place on May 16 in Moscow. During the meeting the agreement on cease-fire which had been reached earlier was confirmed. A document "Agreement on the
order of the realization of the Protocol of February 18 of 1994" anticipating the raising of the troops of Karabakh and Azerbaijan, and the establishment of the buffer zone between the countries, was also prepared.

Shushi has never belonged and will never do to Azerbaijan

Right after the liberation of Shushi the national-liberation war of the people of Karabakh became more motivation and in a year Mardakert and Martuni were liberated and the ancient Armenian Monastery of Gandzasar was saved.

May 8, 2008
16 years in a row on May 8-9 the Azeri press is filled with articles about "the occupied Shushi". Every year officials and "simple citizens" announce, that "the day when the occupied Azeri city will be regained back is not far." The strange thing is though nobody says how and who is going to "liberate" Shushi. Most probably it will be realized by the very Afghan mojakheds with their leader Shamil Basaev who disgracefully escaped the Armenian Army. As for "the native Azeri city", our neighbors should finally read the historical chronicles.

Does Azerbaijan deny the US assistance in holding election?

Baku does not seem willing or does not want to understand that one cannot fool the entire world with numbers and fake reports.

May 6, 2008
On the first sight Azerbaijan's behavior in its foreign political scene becomes more and more unpredictable. Here the statement of Ramiz Mekhtiev; the Head of the Executive Personnel of the President, would be appropriate to mention. "The allocation of the US funds for holding democratic election in Azerbaijan is interference in the internal affairs of the country," he had said in a press-conference in Baku.