The belated confession of Carla Del Ponte

Evidences of atrocities committed by Hashim Tachi have been revealed.

April 1, 2008
"The Kosovo Independence" has started to develop in new directions, the majority of which would take away Hashim Tachi's hopes of establishing a recurrent Islamic county in the middle of Europe. This time a person who cannot be easily blamed for his likings for the Serbs spoke with revelatory details. The former attorney general for International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Carla Del Ponte in her autobiography "The Hunt" told about how the present authorities of the independent Kosovo made money on trade of inner organs, taken out of the bodies of the kidnapped Serbs.

Europe seriously fears "Balkanization" of the continent

Brussels' announcement about the intentions of contributing to the development of the sovereign Kosovo, gave rise to big apprehensions among a number of EU member countries about intensified separatist dispositions.

March 29, 2008
It seems that the US President George Bush has decided to resolve all the conflicts during his last days of Presidency. These intentions concern all the conflicts around the world, where the USA directly or indirectly has its share of "responsibility". And if the Kosovo conflict is chronologically one of the latest ones, the Near-Eastern conflict is already 60 years old, and the conflicts in the post-Soviet area are 20 years old.

Historical decision or historical mistake of the Knesset?

In their fight against the recognition of the Armenian Genocide the Israeli researchers have taken a rather improper role: they consider the Holocaust a unique phenomenon, incomparable with any genocide in the entire history of humanity.

March 27, 2008
In the evening on March 26 something that the Armenians wouldn't even dream about happened; those who are for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide managed to have the first success in the Knesset. As the newspaper "Haaretz"
writes, instead of the minister of foreign affairs Tsipi Livni ("Kadima"), the government's viewpoint was introduced by the minister of agriculture Shalom Simkhon ("Avod"). He delivered his objections regarding the reconsideration of the given issue at the plenary session, however he unexpectedly agreed with the initiative of the deputy Zeyev Elkin ("Kadima"), the chairman of the Parliamentary Association of the Israeli-Armenian friendship, who suggested bringing out the issue of the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

The new US Ambassador may be sent to Yerevan "tomorrow or maybe after tomorrow"

Armenia, which is not of least importance to the US in its policy in South Caucasus, has been left without the highest diplomatic representative for almost two years.

March 25, 2008
George Bush's Administration declared the name of the candidate of the US Ambassador to Armenia. As Harut Sasunyan writes in The California Courier, it has become clear from some reliable American and Armenian sources that
the head of the US diplomatic mission in Yerevan may become the present US Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Maria Iovanovich. Thus, the first step has been taken. After receiving Armenia's agreement, President Bush will officially
introduce the candidacy in the commission on foreign affairs of the US Senate, and in case it is approved by the entire Senate, the Ambassador will be sent to Yerevan.

The flow of petrodollar doesn't allow Azerbaijan to take the situation adequately

The Karabakh Conflict will be resolved neither by the international community, nor by the co-chairs, but by the help of the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Karabakh, regardless all the resistance of the official Baku.

March 20, 2008
Most probably the flow of petrodollar and the participation in trans-European gas consortiums have seriously effected on Azerbaijan's ability of taking the situation adequately. For some reasons, Baku has decided that the "irreplaceability" in energy resource supplies may set the conditions over the world powers, and particularly over the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. The resolution, approved by the UN General Assembly, according to Azerbaijan may become a more effective tool for the regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, which is seen in annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh by force, because there is no other way.

Will Turkey remain the "secular democracy" in Islamic world?

Today in Turkey there are a number of controversies not only between the Kemalists and Islamists, but also between the Kemalists and the Turkish public opinion, since the nation is completely lost in search for its identity, and the Kemalists announce tha

March 18, 2008
After the parliamentary elections in Turkey in summer 2007 an agreement between the winning Islamic party of Justice and Development and the Turkish Joint Staff was signed. In the result of the deal the Army recognized the Justice and Development Party in exchange to invasion of Northern Iraq. The invasion was organized and the Turkish militants have now been informing about extermination of Kurdish militants.

The voting in the UN General Assembly didn't bring the results Azerbaijan was expecting

The fact, that the UNO has already expired itself as an organization capable of making any reasonable decisions, was clear already when it approved the resolutions on the Genocide of Rwanda and the Genocide of Darfur. No less shameful did the organization

March 15, 2008
As it was expected, the voting in the UN General Assembly of the resolution on "the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" didn't bring the results Baku was expecting. But the deputy of Milly Mejlis of Azerbaijan Asim Molladze hurried to congratulate the Azeri diplomacy with the big victory. A recurrent maxim about the "dethronement of the Armenian powerful lobby" wasn't left aside either. As a matter of fact, Molladze didn't make any new discoveries.

Azerbaijan is in complete self-delusion, trying "to inveigle" the UNO into the resolution of the Karabakh Conflict

The UNO has displayed all its capacities in conflict resolution processes in Kosovo and Middle Eastern issues, practically having limited itself to useless declarations.

March 13, 2008
On February 26 Azerbaijan introduced the UN General Assembly the project of the resolution on "the situation on the occupied territory of Azerbaijan", where Azerbaijan asked to confirm its territorial borders and rights over Nagorno-Karabakh. The voting on the resolution is scheduled on March 14. From the point of view of Azerbaijan the set date for the voting is very "successful", since Armenia is suffering inner political destabilization, Russia is concerned with the issues of the self-proclaimed CIS republics and the entire world is busy with the situation in Kosovo.

For Georgia NATO integration is a tool for resolution of its territorial issues

The Georgian government intends to take Russia to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg already in summer and demand compensation of $20 milliard.

March 11, 2008
The declaration of independence of Kosovo and the further development of the situation in Europe became one of the main topics in the world. No matter how hard the EU and the USA insist on the fact, that Kosovo is a unique opportunity, since the independence is granted on the bases of ethnical belonging and their arguments do not seem very convincing. The declaration of independence immediately found its response in the post-Soviet area, and first of all in the unrecognized republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh. The case with Nagorno-Karabakh is indeed
a unique case; it doesn't depend on Russia's position at all, which can't be said about the other above mentioned regions.

Azerbaijan, as always, didn't take into account the reaction of the world community

Once again Baku ended in a deadlock because of its blind hatred towards Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, it should be mentioned that such cases may happen again till the presidential elections in Azerbaijan.

March 6, 2008
Once again Azerbaijan reassured its reputations as an aggressor, by provoking to a rather serious incident in one of the posts of the Nagorno-Karabakh defense army in the region of Mardakert. After a week of every possible comment on inner political situation in Armenia was made by the Azeri mass media, Baku decided that the time to act more decisively has come. At that, all the commentators emphasized that "the slogans about the military perils from the part of Azerbaijan" will be used by the Armenian authorities to relax the tension in people. Baku needed a simple excuse for the attack and, according to its political figures, it is already found. But as always, didn't take into account the reaction of the world community.