Turkey is on the threshold of political upheaval

The Kemalists have decided take revenge after the defeat in the parliamentary elections in July 2007 when the Islamic Justice and Development Party came to power in Turkey.

January 29, 2008
Last week the Office of Public Prosecutor of Turkey brought accusations against the 33 nationalists, involved in "Ergenekon" grouping, for preparations of the coup d'etat. The decision followed the arrests of several nationalists, members of "Ergenekon" grouping this week. The police caught the track of the nationalists after 700 kg explosive and weapon was found in a house in Istanbul last summer. According to Hürriyet, the members of grouping were in the past involved in radical Islamic organization "Hezbollah".

The Armenians from the USA hope for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the next U.S. President

The Armenian National Committee of America sent out questionnaires to all the candidates standing for the U.S. Presidential elections, where questions regarding their views on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide were included.

January 26, 2008
Every four years a new hope beams for the Armenian Community of the USA that a recurrent candidate, taking the post of the President, will finally recognize the Armenian Genocide. But of course this never happens, because after becoming the President of the USA, the one-time candidate has more serious issues on his agenda than the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, especially with the present economic crisis the country is suffering or the protracted operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and "the complications" with Iran that the USA is facing. Besides, if all the promises made during the election campaign were kept, we would have paradise on earth.

Dink's assassination is the result of the "dangerous thinking" in Turkey

Though Hrant Dink was assassinated firstly because of his political views, namely regarding the Armenian Genocide, his ethnical belonging was of no less significance in his assassination.

January 24, 2008
It's already been a year since the day of the assassination of the editor-in-chief of "Agos", yet its details are still unclear. Dink was killed by Turkey, which is the successor of the Ottoman Empire with all its intolerance towards "the infidels". Taner Akçam, who left for the USA in 1971 for some political motives, puts the blame for Dink's murder on "the submerged state".

Ilham Aliyev is getting angry, which means he is not right

Though it's not the first time that the President of Azerbaijan has made harsh statements, which put under question his ability to sufficiently understand the reality, "the dismissal of the Minsk Group" is something completely new.

January 15, 2008
The present visit of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation, in fact, doesn't differ from the previous ones: the shuttle democracy still keeps Azerbaijan away from the temptation of unleashing a war. But in spite of this, Baku continues deluding the population of the country and the latest statements made by the famous political scientist Vafa Guluzade, who "doesn't expect anything positive from the visit of the co-chairs" may serve as a proof.

Which factor prevails over the resolution of the Kosovo issue - political or economic?

Everybody wants to create opportunities for rational development of the situation. If this happens in future we will have chances for stable economic development in Kosovo.

January 12, 2008
The reasons underlying the resolution of the Kosovo issue which is being pushed on by the USA and EU are not only political but economic. The independence and the urge to separation from Serbia besides the concern for the Kosovo Albanians, pursue pure economic goals. There is the region of Trepca in Kosovo, which is very rich in minerals. Before the breakup of Yugoslavia many countries exported zinc, cadmium and silver from there. The coal that Kosovo possesses is valued very high as well.

George Bush has his "beacons" of democracy

Turkey is the very country which will never miss the chance to involve other countries in the resolution of its own problems, especially countries like the USA or Russia, at worst.

January 10, 2008
The visit of the Turkish President Abdullah Gul to the USA was perfectly organized: meetings with George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, congressmen and the American-Turkish organizations were held. This is quite natural, since the Turkish President's visit to Washington was his first one as the President of Turkey. But the most noteworthy announcement was the one made by George Bush, who said that Turkey is the perfect example of a democratic country, which co-exists together with Islamic values.

Saakashvili won, something that needed to be proved

The Georgian elections may lead Armenia to two conclusions: the elections will be recognized by the OSCE and PACE, if the party that the USA and Russia have staked on wins the elections, and that it is quite possible that our elections will have one round

January 8, 2008
The elections of the Georgian President are finished, and as it was supposed, Michael Saakashvili has been reelected for the second term, though not with as stunning results as for the first time, when he got almost the 90% of the votes. However, the results of these elections, the 52%, were not poor either. Everything would be just perfect, if not one condition. The reelection of Saakashvili has simply been programmed by the USA and nothing else on earth could change the Georgian history.

Murders, resolution, elections and Nagorno-Karabakh - these are the key issues of the year of 2007

The year of 2007 started with the tragic murder of Hrant Dink, the editor-in-chief of the Armenian-Turkish magazine in Istanbul.

December 27, 2007
It is customary that at the end of the year the events of the passing year are being reviewed, though it should be mentioned that the year of 2007 wasn't rich with many significant events. The year of 2007 started with the tragic murder of Hrant Dink, the editor-in-chief of the Armenian-Turkish magazine in Istanbul. And although the murderer, the 17-year-old nationalist Ogyun Samast was arrested in some hours after the murder, his case has still been cancelled till February 2, 2008.

Independence is not granted; it is either proclaimed or won

Granted independence is not stable: the guarantor countries in case of any change in the world politics or in the given region may simply occupy the given region and the entire "independence" will be put an end to right away.

December 25, 2007
In the process of conflict resolution there is a formula, which always works out. If the regulation of the conflict is not handy for someone, or if its resolution is based on unacceptable bases for either of the parties, the topic is simply being "distorted". Most probably, regardless the "decisiveness" of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, the OSCE and EU itself, the process of the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict hasn't improved over the last 10 years.

Is agreement between Armenia and Turkey possible?

As one of its preconditions for normalizing the relations with Armenia Turkey raises the issue of the recognition of the current borders by RA, which is nothing but a serious concern for the national security of Armenia.

December 22, 2007
In the light of the negotiations about Turkey's integration into the EU, the issue of the Armenian-Turkish relations, which over the last 18 years haven't gone any better, gets more significance. The unwillingness to normalize the relations is mutual: neither Armenia, nor Turkey need to open the borders, which are not clarified yet. The Kars and Lausanne Treaties, which set the borders between the two countries, are not denounced yet, though the official Ankara thinks that with the USSR breakdown no one ever thinks of them any longer.