Ara Papian: Wilson's arbitration award may become an extra tool of pressure on TurkeyNovember 26, 2007 Consequences of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire are still being studied and debated in present-day Turkey, which keeps on fiercely denying its complicity in the Genocide. Meanwhile international record proves Turkey's responsibility for the crime fixed in the Treaty of Sevres and obliges the country to observe its provisions despite rejection of ratification in 1921. Historian and diplomat Ara Papian commented to PanARMENIAN.Net on historical and legal aspect of the Armenian Genocide recognition process. Arpi Vartanian: Denying Armenian Genocide, U.S. is denying its own historyOctober 18, 2007 During the recent two weeks the Armenian Genocide issue was the main topic of discussions in the United States and world press. The stir was caused by the upcoming vote on H.Res.106 in the U.S. House of Representatives. The resolution is strongly opposed by the Bush administration and Turkish government. Congressmen are under pressure. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being dissuaded from bringing the measure to the floor. AAA Country Director for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, Arpi Vartanian comments on the developments to PanARMENIAN.Net. Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan: Azerbaijan estranges itself from Russia to please U.S.September 24, 2007 Calls to resolve the Nagorno Karabakh conflict by use of force become more frequent in Azerbaijan. President Aliyev's statements on "determination to liberate their lands" meet approval among media and politicians, who sometimes call for war against Armenia as well. PanARMENIAN.Net requested political scientist Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan to comment on Azeri statements. Ara Papian: Armenian Genocide is the issue of present and futureSeptember 13, 2007 The problem of demarcation of the Armenian-Turkish border is still open, as 80 years ago. Despite 5 treaties signed by the states which won World War I and Wodroow Wilson's arbitration award on the Armenian-Turkish border, the border has not been determined yet. From the viewpoint of the international law, the Republic of Armenia, being the assignee of the First Republic, is entitled to raise the issue again. Diplomat and historian Ara Papian comments on the situation to PanARMENIAN.Net. Vartan Oskanian: Anti-Armenian propaganda policy of Azeri authorities is unpromisingMarch 13, 2007 Armenian foreign policy is aimed at both establishing good-neighbor relations with the countries in the region and long term constructive relations with European structures. Here a special place occupies the process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. The RA FM Vartan Oskanian shared his views with PanARMENIAN.Net concerning perspectives of negotiation process in near future. ![]() Tadevos Charchyan: The United States may suffer serious and irrecoverable loses in IranMarch 1, 2007 The Iranian problem becomes more and more actual. Is the United States going to bomb Iran or not, if Iranian nuclear program is a threat to the world and region, or there exist other considerations, which can lead to one more conflict in the Greater Middle East. Specialist on Persian philology Tadevos Charchyan told the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist about possible development of events. Karen Bekarian: Armenia will pass its way to EuropeFebruary 6, 2007 The system of European values is close for Armenia and the cooperation plan with the EU in the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy can perform a serious influence on both the situation in Armenia and the whole region. Chairman of European Integration NGO, political scientist Karen Bekarian comments to PanARMENIAN.Net on Armenia's possible expectations in case of successful implementation of the program. Alexander Iskandaryan: Bullets shot at Hrant Dink were aimed at Liberal TurkeyFebruary 1, 2007 Turkey itself, alleged changes in that country, investigation over Hrant Dink's murder, as before, are at the center of attention of the world community. More and more voices both in Turkey itself and moreover, outside of it demand to cancel the 301st article of the Turkish Penal Code. Director of Caucasian Media Institute, political scientist Alexander Iskandaryan told the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist what we should expect from Turkey's way to Europe. Ruben Safrastyan: U.S. Opportunities to Influence on Further Development of Events In Turkey IncreasesJanuary 23, 2007 Hrant Dink's assassination according to a number of experts, can seriously influence on public atmosphere in Turkey, as well as strengthen the tension in the country before coming presidential elections in May of 2007. The specialist in Turkic philology Ruben Safrastyan, the head of Oriental Studies Institute of the RA NAS (National Academy of Sciences) comments on possible consequences of the murder. Richard Giragosian: US Focuses on Evolutionary Change in ArmeniaJanuary 19, 2007 Absence of US Ambassador in Yerevan since July 2006 to some extent negatively influences on the Armenian-American relations. This year Armenia is awaiting parlaimentary elections and the politicians are likely to focus on the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border blocked by Turkey since 1993. Richard Giragosian, expert of the Armenian International Police Research Group - AIPRG, Washington.DC. comments on the situation to PanARMENIAN.Net. | James Appathurai: NATO has not changed position on Karabakh and supports OSCE MG efforts Christoph Speck: Human factor is key to achieving success Grigori Yolyan: More than 21,000 points of sale accept payment via Idram Armenian bodybuilding vice champion Levon Hovhannisyan: Professional sports has nothing to do with healthy living Joe Abercrombie: Heroism and villainy are often matters of where one stands ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |