PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan cannot but negotiate with Nagorno Karabakh, NKR President Arkady Ghukasian stated in his interview with Public Television Company of Armenia. He noted that Azerbaijan is wishes to distract the attention of the international community form the principal problem - NKR's status. In his words, Baku is waging a propaganda war, trying to accuse Armenia of aggression and is striving for international sanctions to be applied against it. "Karabakh is ready to negotiate with Azerbaijan in any format: together with Armenia or without it", he underscored. The NKR President thinks that Azerbaijan today is not ready to hold talks with Nagorno Karabakh and "its policy bears an ultimatum nature". The best variant for the Karabakh conflict settlement of a package one. It is illogical to consider any issue out of the package, these questions should be viewed in a common context", A. Ghukasian said. NKR is a non-recognized state and "we should develop democracy, marker relations and convince the international community that NKR is a part of Europe", he stated.
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