Oskanian: Civilitas charges used to pressure Prosperous Armenia

Oskanian: Civilitas charges used to pressure Prosperous Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Former foreign minister, Prosperous Armenia member Vartan Oskanian has characterized the criminal case against him as a tool of pressure on the party he represents ahead of presidential elections.

“Prosperous Armenia is a political force that may become an alternative to the current authorities, with the latter having proved their intolerant position. Whereas, such a stance is rather unsound in case of failure in domestic and foreign policy,” ex-minister Oskanian said.

“Armenia has neither political, nor economic, nor geopolitical resources for dictatorship. I’m confident that none of the MP shows interest in it,” Prosperous Armenia member said, noting stripping him of congressional immunity as a countrywide issue.

5  01.10.12 - Ex-Foreign Minsiter Vartan Oskanian’s interview on the charges brought against him
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