Russia Experiences Information Blockade in Karabakh Issue

PanARMENIAN.Net - Information blockade over the Nagorno Karabakh problem has been created in Russia, President of the Society of Friendship and Cooperation with Armenia Victor Krivopuskov stated in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net In his words, in general the Russian political elite is badly informed of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "Publications are few in number, not to mention TV programs. The situation with websites has improved a bit lately, but they do not change the whole picture," he said.

The Russian politician considers that the Russian state media trying not to arouse Azerbaijan's discontent do not call things by their proper names and thus prefer to write nothing about the conflict. "Over this reason the major part of our political elite and the society have poor knowledge not only of Karabakh's present problems but also of the true causes of the conflict. A new generation of Russians grew up during the recent 15 years. It means a new generation of politicians who are unaware of the conflict. I have many times heard people say that Karabakh is inhabited by Azerbaijanis and that Armenians are Muslims. People are unaware of the age-old friendship between the Armenian and Russian people, of the significant role the Armenians of Karabakh played 200 years ago in the liberation of Armenia from the Persian and Ottoman yoke and self-willed joining Russia," Victor Krivopuskov underscored.

He also voiced hope that Russia deals with the Karabakh settlement not only as the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair. "Russia as no other party is first of all interested inn maintenance of peace in the Caucasus," the Russian politician said.
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