Armenia Will Continue Struggle for Genocide Recognition

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian President Robert Kocharian addressed the Armenian nation with a statement in view of the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire in 1915, reported the RA leader's press office. Robert Kocharian's statement says in part, "Today we revere the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The responsibility for this crime lies on Ottoman Turkey and its successor. The Armenian people who survived the carnage felt the consequences of this outrageous crime during their whole life.

The pain strengthens, since we have to struggle for the recognition and condemnation of this black page of history. The Republic of Armenia, as the exponent of the national interests of Armenians living throughout the globe will continue this struggle. We are grateful to the states, organizations and individuals who assist us. This is a problem common to all mankind and its recognition is the most efficient way to prevent such crimes in future.

The struggle of Armenians has no revenge implication. We are looking forward, since our strong state system, prosperity and progress should become the best response to the denial policy."
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