By Denying Armenian Genocide Turkey Provokes New Crimes

PanARMENIAN.Net - "Every year on April 24 the Armenian nation bows down before the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, the crime committed at the state level in Ottoman Turkey. At its time this crime against humanity did not receive a proper assessment and condemnation what resulted in its repetition in other states," says the address issued by Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan over the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. In his words, in the third millennium Armenia sets the prevention of genocide via political will as a priority task and welcomes the aspiration of many states to counteract crimes of the kind.

The RA Prime Minister also pointed out to the increasing number of states that have recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide. "The civilized world understands that only via condemnation of this crime and real assessment of the historical facts such crimes may be prevented in future. Turkey's efforts to deny the Genocide, distort facts and conceal the truth not only impedes establishment of peaceful and neighbor relations in the region but provokes new crimes in the world," Andranik Margaryan emphasized.

The Premier also noted that "the efforts of the international community are not sufficient for prevention of crimes against a whole nation. He underscored that the national potential should be unified for the consolidation of the Armenian state system and formation of a state advocating democratic values, reported the RA government's press service.
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