Azeri Parliament Chair Congratulated Newly-Elected Armenian Speaker

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan's Milli Mejlis speaker Oktay Asadov congratulated Tigran Torosyan on his election as Armenian NA Speaker. Asadov's message was read at the 27th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSECO) in Yerevan by BSECO PA Azeri delegation head Asaf Gajiyev. The same day the presidency of the BSECO PA transferred from Armenia to Azerbaijan: Armenian Speaker T. Torosyan handed presidency symbol - wood hammer - to Gajiyev. The next plenary session of the BSECO PA will be held in Baku November 22-23 and the Armenian party is already invited to participate, reports Mediamax.
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