Adoption of Constitution is Legal Confirmation of NKR Independence

PanARMENIAN.Net - Today the Nagorno Karabakh Republic is more democratic than Azerbaijan and the unification of these two countries is just impossible, said Shavarsh Kocharian, the Deputy of Armenian NA. "The principle of territorial integrity, which is much talked about in Baku, does not exist. After the collapse of USSR two independent states-the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh were formed. And NKR was declared in accordance with international laws through referendum held on September 2, 1991. Meanwhile, the parliament and president declared Azerbaijan's independence, nobody took into consideration people's will. NKR has matured as a state and now it consolidates legally by adopting the Organic Law," Kocharian emphasized.

The Armenian parliamentarian also stressed that unlike other 'boiling points' in post-soviet territories, the Nagorno Karabakh did not become a captive in the hands of field commanders. "After the signing of Khasavyurt Accord there was a chance to build a normal state in Chechnya, but the filed commanders had a lot of power, and the republic remained as a 'boiling point'," said Kocharian. "But under the conditions of full-scale aggression by Azerbaijan elections were always held in Karabakh and have been forming the bases of civil society," he said, adding that upcoming referendum on constitution is a legal confirmation of NKR independence.
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