Armenian FM to visit Egypt, Austria and Belgium in April

PanARMENIAN.Net - On April 14 RA Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian will depart for Egypt within the delegation at the head of Armenian President Robert Kocharian. Armenian FM's working visit to Austria is scheduled for April 16, where he will meet with Austrian President of the National Council Barbara Prammer and Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik. During the visit Vartan Oskanian will deliver a lecture in Vienna Diplomatic Academy and will have a speech at the 660th session of OSCE Permanent Council.

RA FM's visit to Brussels is scheduled for April 25. The same day Vartan Oskanian will have a speech in Brussels Royal Conservatory during an event dedicated to the Armenian Genocide international recognition. Diplomats accredited in Belgian capital and representatives of Armenian organizations in Europe will be present at the event.

On April 27-29 Vartan Oskanian will participate in the Brussels Forum, where he will present his report titled "The Black Sea Region: Perspectives for Development". Belgian and Georgian Prime Ministers, foreign ministers of Canada and Germany, as well as EU Minister for Enlargement will participate in the forum, RA MFA Press Office reports.
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