Armenia and Russia intend to further develop bilateral relations

PanARMENIAN.Net - Today, January 14, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

At the meeting, RA President expressed his satisfaction over development of strategic partnership and strengthening of economical, cultural and humanitarian spheres between Armenia and Russia.

The President also thanked Russia for efforts taken towards settlement of Karabakh conflict and Armenia-Turkey ties' normalizations.

Russian Foreign Minister, in turn, expressed hope for the progress registered in bilateral relations to be continued into the future.

In the course of the meeting, the parties discussed bilateral collaboration issues, emphasizing the importance of further expansion of contractual -legal field, creating new possibilities for interactions.

The parties also exchanged views on Karabakh conflict settlement and Armenia-Turkey rapprochement.

As Russian Foreign Minster noted, during yesterday's joint news conference with his Turkish counterpart, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin once again presented Moscow's official position on the issue above. The two processes are not linked, each process being complicated enough in itself, Russian Premier emphasized, Armenian President's press service reported.
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