French parliamentarians reconsider their opinion of Artsakh upon visiting NKR

French parliamentarians reconsider their opinion of Artsakh upon visiting NKR

PanARMENIAN.Net - On June 11, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met with Armenia-France parliamentary friendship group delegation led by Francois Rochebloine.

At the meeting, RA President gave high assessment to MPs’ decision to visit Artsakh, also characterizing parliamentary collaboration as the best way to develop bilateral ties and reach mutual understanding.

French parliamentarians, in turn, shared their impressions on Karabakh visit, expressing interest in RA and NKR development perspectives, as well as Armenia’s position on settling the issue with Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The parliamentarians admitted to reconsidering their opinion of Artsakh upon visiting NKR.

French MPs noted with approval the prevalence of democratic norms in the country, proved by recent NKR parliamentary elections, presidential press service reported.

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