Armenian side raises problems of Armenians of Georgia during meeting between Nalbandian and Vashadze

Armenian side raises problems of Armenians of Georgia during meeting between Nalbandian and Vashadze

PanARMENIAN.Net - Yerevan hosted a meeting of Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian and his Georgian counterpart Grigol Vashadze.

The Ministers discussed the Armenian-Georgian relations, implementation of agreements reached between the Armenian and Georgian Presidents, cooperation in the fields of transport and energy, tourism, organization of business forums and collaboration within international organizations.

The two men exchanged opinion on expanding the legal-contractual field, the RA MFA press service reported.

During the meeting, the Armenian side referred to problems of Armenians of Georgia, specifically, in the educational field and Armenian cultural heritage.

Grigol Vashadze delivered a lecture at the diplomatic school of the RA MFA.

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